…Spiritual Progress – 06

In this invigorating series of talks, Shaykh Saleem delves into the beauties contained in Ziyarat Aminullah, taught by Imam Ali ibne al-Husayn Zaynul Abideen, peace be upon them, and looks at the words of wisdom of the 4th Imam on how to progress spiritually to reach towards the pinnacles of servitude.

Topic Six: Loving the Choice Friends of Allah – Part II

…Spiritual Progress – 07

In this invigorating series of talks, Shaykh Saleem delves into the beauties contained in Ziyarat Aminullah, taught by Imam Ali ibne al-Husayn Zaynul Abideen, peace be upon them, and looks at the words of wisdom of the 4th Imam on how to progress spiritually to reach towards the pinnacles of servitude.

Topic Seven: Patience in the Face of Adversity

…Spiritual Progress – 08

In this invigorating series of talks, Shaykh Saleem delves into the beauties contained in Ziyarat Aminullah, taught by Imam Ali ibne al-Husayn Zaynul Abideen, peace be upon them, and looks at the words of wisdom of the 4th Imam on how to progress spiritually to reach towards the pinnacles of servitude.

Topic Eight: Thankful for Allah’s Blessings – Thanking the Creator AND the Creations

…Spiritual Progress – 09

In this invigorating series of talks, Shaykh Saleem delves into the beauties contained in Ziyarat Aminullah, taught by Imam Ali ibne al-Husayn Zaynul Abideen, peace be upon them, and looks at the words of wisdom of the 4th Imam on how to progress spiritually to reach towards the pinnacles of servitude.

Topic Nine: Active Consciousness (Taqwa) of Allah in our Lives

…Spiritual Progress – 010

In this invigorating series of talks, Shaykh Saleem delves into the beauties contained in Ziyarat Aminullah, taught by Imam Ali ibne al-Husayn Zaynul Abideen, peace be upon them, and looks at the words of wisdom of the 4th Imam on how to progress spiritually to reach towards the pinnacles of servitude.

Topic Ten: Love and Hate for God’s Sake

…Spiritual Progress – 011

The Night Of Loneliness

…Spiritual Progress – 012

In this invigorating series of talks, Shaykh Saleem delves into the beauties contained in Ziyarat Aminullah, taught by Imam Ali ibne al-Husayn Zaynul Abideen, peace be upon them, and looks at the words of wisdom of the 4th Imam on how to progress spiritually to reach towards the pinnacles of servitude.

Topic Twelve: Summary and Conclusion

…Spiritual Progress – 013

Ashura Day Tragedy

…Spiritual Progress – 01

In this invigorating series of talks, Shaykh Saleem delves into the beauties contained in Ziyarat Aminullah, taught by Imam Ali ibne al-Husayn Zaynul Abideen, peace be upon them, and looks at the words of wisdom of the 4th Imam on how to progress spiritually to reach towards the pinnacles of servitude.

Topic One: Introduction to Muharram and the topic, “Steps in Spiritual Progress in the Light of Ziyarat Aminullah”In this invigorating series of talks, Shaykh Saleem delves into the beauties contained in Ziyarat Aminullah, taught by Imam Ali ibne al-Husayn Zaynul Abideen, peace be upon them, and looks at the words of wisdom of the 4th Imam on how to progress spiritually to reach towards the pinnacles of servitude.

Topic One: Introduction to Muharram and the topic, “Steps in Spiritual Progress in the Light of Ziyarat Aminullah”

…Spiritual Progress – 02

In this invigorating series of talks, Shaykh Saleem delves into the beauties contained in Ziyarat Aminullah, taught by Imam Ali ibne al-Husayn Zaynul Abideen, peace be upon them, and looks at the words of wisdom of the 4th Imam on how to progress spiritually to reach towards the pinnacles of servitude.

Topic Two: Freewill or Predestination or Something Else?