
Pluralism and Its Various Spheres

The belief in multiple straight paths, in the interpretation of pluralism, in that there are many different truths (ḥaqāʾiq) on one issue is by no means acceptable. According to the interpretation of pluralism and the existence of a single truth and the inaccessibility of human beings to it, the assumption of multiple straight paths to God is also wholly false – however it can be accepted only in very limited areas, as the Muslim commentators have referred to it in their books that this is in the meaning of more…

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A Reconciliation of Divine Blessings and Divine Punishment

How can the verses of the Quran and the aḥādīth which speak about the Divine Blessings and Divine Tribulations be reconciled? In some of the a ḥadīth, [a general theme] has been stated that: “أَلْبَلاَءُ لِلْوِلاَءِ” – meaning that tribulations will inevitably come upon those who have a firm allegiance (to Allāh, the Prophet and the Ahlul Bayt). In addition to this, it has been narrated that Imam ʿAlī said: “Tribulations reach our followers quicker than floods reach the valleys.”[1] [1] Biḥār al-Anwār, v. 67, p. 239.

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People born out of wedlock in Islam – Why restrictions on certain aspects of their religious practices?

From the logical (ʿaqlī) and Islamic legal (sharʿī) perspective, why is it that children born out of wedlock (illegitimate children), despite the fact that they may be good people, are not allowed to lead congregational (jamāʿat) prayers? Is there any basis to this in the Quran or the teachings of Prophet Muhammad and his successors? If so, what are they and if not, why does this ruling even exist?   DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE IN PDF HERE

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The 9th of Rabi al-Awwal

Originally found at: Summary of question Is it true that Imam Hussein’s assassin was killed on the ninth of Rabi’ul Awwal and his head was sent to Imam Sajjad (a.s.)? Question What is the historical importance or significance of 9th of Rabi\’ul Awwal? It is said that this was the day when killers of Imam Hussein (a.s.) were killed by Ameer Mukhtar and a letter was sent to Imam Zainul Abideen causing him to smile and so on? Concise answer The 9th of Rabi’ul Awwal can be studied from…

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